Super Tornado Pattern Tutorial

Helpful Tip: While weaving your lanyard, always make sure your laces are flat. If they are twisted, you can loosen the laces and untwist before pulling each layer tighter.
1. Select 4 colors of flat plastic lace. For this example I am going to use black, purple, green, and blue.
2. Feed the black lace through the key ring and wrap around the center once. Insert the key ring in the center lace holder and place it in the center of My Lanyard Maker. Place one end of the black lace into 5A and the other end into 5C.
3. Place the center of the purple lace under the black lace and put one end in 6B and the other in 3D. Place the center of the green lace under the black lace and put one end in 5B and the other in 4D. Place the center of the blue lace under the black lace and put one end in 4B and the other and in 5D.
4. Take the black lace in 4A, wrap it around 3A, then take it across the center and secure in 6C. Take the black lace in 5C, wrap it around 4C, then take it across the center and secure in 5A.
5. Remove the purple lace from 3D and go over the first two black laces and under the third. Remove the purple lace located in 6B and replace it with the purple lace from 3D (remembering to keep the lace removed below the lace you just brought across). Take the purple lace you just removed from 6B and place it over the first two black laces and under the third. Secure in 3D. Now you’re going to repeat this step with the green and blue lace.
6. Remove the green lace from 4D and go over the first two black laces and under the third. Remove the green lace located in 5B and replace it with the green lace from 4D (remembering to keep the lace removed below the lace you just brought across). Take the green lace you just removed from 5B and place it over the first two black laces and under the third. Secure in 4D.
7. Remove the blue lace from 5D and go over the first two black laces and under the third. Remove the blue lace located in 4B and replace it with the blue lace from 5D (remembering to keep the lace removed below the lace you just brought across). Take the blue lace you just removed from 4B and place it over the first two black laces and under the third. Secure in 5D.
8. Release the black laces looped around 4C/5C and 3A/4A.
9. Pull the two black laces from slots 5A and 6C, bringing the loops toward the center. Take turns pulling on the black, purple, green, and blue laces to form the first layer of the triple brick pattern.
10. Move the black laces back to their starting positions. 6C will move to 5C and 5A will move to 4A.
11. You have now completed one rotation of the pattern. Repeat steps 4-10 until your lanyard is the desired length. Once your lanyard is long enough, simply remove laces from My Lanyard Maker and tie an overhand knot (pulling tightly to secure). Happy weaving!
1 Comment
How do you wrap the black lace around the key ring it is just tying it to the key ring.