Box Knot Tutorial

1. Choose 2 different colors of plastic lace and a key ring or key hook from your My Lanyard Maker. (This example uses black & white).
2. Align plastic laces end to end, slide laces through the center of your key ring or key hook and secure it in the holding slot of your MYLM Flat lace holder.
3. Insert your black laces in holders 5A & 5C. The white laces will need to be inserted into 5B & 5D.
4. Take 5A (black) wrap it around 6A & cross it over the center of your MYLM. Secure the lace in 4C. Take 5C (black), wrap it around 6C & cross it over the center. Secure the lace in 4A.
5. Take 5B (white), cross it over the center & through the loop made with 5C. Secure the lace in 4D. Take 5D (white), cross it over the center & through the loop made with 5A. Secure the lace in 4B.
6. Release the loops from 5A & 5C.
7. Pull the black laces from 4A & 4C tight. Pull the white laces in 4B & 4D tight. Once pulled tight they will form a box
8. Take 4A (black),wrap it around 3A & cross it over the center. Secure the lace in 5C. Take 4C (black), wrap it around 3C & cross it over the center. Secure it in 5A.
9. Take 4B (white), cross it over the center & through the loop made with 4A. Secure the lace in 5D. Take 4D (white), cross it over the center & through the loop made with 4C. Secure the lace in 5B.
10. Release the loops from 4A & 4C.
11. Pull the black laces in 5A & 5C tight. Pull the white laces in 5B & 5D. Once pulled tight, they will form you next box.
12. Repeat steps 4 – 11 until your lanyard is the desired length. To finish, simply tie an overhand knot at the end of your lanyard and then add in some beads for more fun flair!
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